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April 27, 2023 3 min read

As a parent, you may have noticed that your child often struggles with time management and organization. This can result in missed assignments, incomplete tasks, and added stress for both you and your child. However, there is a solution that can help your child overcome these challenges: daily and weekly planners. Not only can using these tools help your child stay organized, but they can also encourage the practice of gratitude.

What is a planner?

A planner is a tool used to organize daily and weekly activities, events, and tasks. It can come in many forms, such as a physical notebook, a digital app, or a combination of both. A planner is a powerful tool because it allows your child to see everything they need to do in one place, making it easier to manage their time and stay on track.

Benefits of using a planner


  1. Organization and Time Management: One of the most significant benefits of using a planner is that it promotes organization and time management. By writing down tasks and events, your child can visualize their schedule and prioritize their activities. This can help them manage their time more effectively, ensuring they complete tasks on time and avoid last-minute rushes.

  2. Reduced Stress: A planner can also help reduce stress. When your child knows what they need to do, and when they need to do it, they can feel more in control of their day. This can lead to a sense of accomplishment, reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.

  3. Improved Memory and Focus: Using a planner can also improve memory and focus. By writing down tasks and events, your child is more likely to remember them. Additionally, having a clear plan for the day can help them stay focused on the task at hand, reducing distractions and improving productivity.

  4. Goal Setting: A planner can be a great tool for setting and achieving goals. By breaking down long-term goals into smaller, manageable tasks, your child can make progress towards their objectives each day. This can help build momentum and motivation, leading to greater success in the long run.

  5. Gratitude: Finally, using a planner can promote gratitude. Encouraging your child to write down things they are grateful for each day can help them focus on the positive aspects of their life. This can improve their overall mood and outlook, leading to increased happiness and wellbeing.

Tips for using a planner

  1. Choose the Right Format: When selecting a planner, it's important to choose a format that works best for your child. Some children prefer physical planners that they can write in, while others may prefer digital apps. Consider your child's learning style and preferences when selecting a planner.

  2. Use Color Coding: Color coding can be a great way to help your child visualize their schedule and prioritize tasks. Consider using different colors for different types of tasks, such as schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal tasks.

  3. Review and Update Daily: Encourage your child to review and update their planner daily. This will help them stay on top of their schedule and make any necessary adjustments.

  4. Celebrate Achievements: When your child completes a task or achieves a goal, celebrate their success! This can help build motivation and confidence, leading to greater success in the future.

In conclusion, using a daily or weekly planner can be a powerful tool for improving organization, time management, and gratitude in children. By promoting these skills, you can help your child achieve greater success in school and in life. Encourage your child to start using a planner today, and watch as their productivity and happiness soar!

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