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April 22, 2024 2 min read

As your little one grows, you may find yourself curious about their speech and language development. From those early babbles to their first words and beyond, understanding these milestones is key to supporting your baby's communication skills. Let's explore the fascinating journey of speech and language development together.


Around 6 to 9 months, many babies begin to babble. These playful sounds, like "ba-ba" or "da-da," are your baby's way of experimenting with language. Babbling lays the groundwork for future speech and helps them develop the muscles needed for clear communication.

First Words

Between 10 to 14 months, you may hear your baby's first words. These could be simple words like "mama," "dada," or the names of familiar objects. Celebrate these early attempts at communication and encourage more language development by responding enthusiastically.

Complex Language Skills

As your baby approaches their second birthday, they'll begin to develop more complex language skills. They may start combining words to form simple sentences and understand more of what you say. Encourage their language development by talking to them often, reading together, and engaging in conversation.

Supporting Your Baby's Development

You play a crucial role in nurturing your baby's speech and language development. Spend quality time talking, singing, and reading with your baby every day. Respond to their attempts at communication with interest and patience, and create a supportive environment where they feel encouraged to express themselves.

Understanding your baby's speech and language development milestones is an exciting part of parenthood. Remember, every baby develops at their own pace, so don't worry if your little one's progress varies from others. Keep celebrating their achievements, and enjoy watching their communication skills grow. If you have any concerns about your baby's speech and language development, don't hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for guidance and support. Together, let's nurture your baby's journey to becoming a confident communicator.

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